Research and Learning Materials

Research and Learning Materials

Research and Learning Materials

Partnering with the Catalyst Research and Learning & Development teams, I led the design of a series of research reports and course workbooks for both digital and web. I also designed materials such as presentation decks, infographics, and social media graphics that supported and promoted the current research or workshops.

Partnering with the Catalyst Research and Learning & Development teams, I led the design of a series of research reports and course workbooks for both digital and web. I also designed materials such as presentation decks, infographics, and social media graphics that supported and promoted the current research or workshops.

Partnering with the Catalyst Research and Learning & Development teams, I led the design of a series of research reports and course workbooks for both digital and web. I also designed materials such as presentation decks, infographics, and social media graphics that supported and promoted the current research or workshops.






Lead Designer


Lead Designer


Art Direction, Editorial, Infographics, Presentations, Social Media


Art Direction, Editorial, Infographics, Presentations, Social Media

Next Project

Marketing Collateral Refresh

In an effort to increase new supporter acquisition, Catalyst focused on refreshing the overall look and feel of their marketing collaterals. I led the design of their flyer, brochure, and presentation deck. The brand and design goals were to create a consistent look across collaterals and ensure brand recognition.


Get in touch

Interested in working together? Have questions or comments? Please fill out the form below, or click on the button on the right to email me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.

Interested in working together? Have questions or comments? Please fill out the form below, or click on the button to email me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.