Learn more about me, my design process, experience, and skills

Learn more about me, my design process, experience, and skills

Learn more
about me, my design process, experience, and skills

As you may already know, my name is Gino and I’m a graphic designer with over 8 years of experience. But what you may not know is my last name is Navarro and I’m kind of silly. Okay, I’m very silly. Look how I’m posing with that tiny float. So silly! (Can we talk about how tiny that float is? Is it for babies? Is it supposed to go around your neck?) However, as much as I am silly, when it comes to my work and passion, I can be just as serious.

You know that very common saying, seen in the horror-comedy The Shining, “all play and no work makes Jack a dull boy”? That’s me. I’m Jack, only my name is Gino, and the correct saying is “all work and no play…” (I had to switch it around to make my point.) Also, that saying is antiquated. Who’s to say Jack is a boy and not a girl. Jack could be short for Jacklyn. My point is it’s all about balance.

Designing is my passion.

Even before I knew what designing was, I was drawn to it. Since I was a child, I’ve always been into organizing and keeping things tidy. I like to think my affinity for organization is what makes me an effective designer as I often apply this particular skill when I’m designing. My design style is clean and minimal yet effective and impactful. For me, that’s what designing is: thoughtfully organizing content that is pleasing to the eyes and evokes a feeling or an emotion.

As a designer, I have two sets of goals.

One is to create beautiful designs that are also meaningful. The other is to learn and grow—to be better than I was yesterday. If I achieve both these goals, I'm golden. Fortunately, in my 8+ years of designing, I’ve had the privilege to work with various individuals, teams, and brands that allowed me opportunities to work on projects that aligned with my goals. Whether it was leading the design of a diversity, equity, and inclusion event or designing promotional materials for a race, they presented me with invaluable experiences and skills.

When I’m not designing or being silly,

I’m inundating my family and friends with (hilarious) memes, scouring all the streaming platforms for rom-coms that would rival Bridget Jones’s Diary (but to no avail), or exploring San Diego’s food scene with my partner via buffets, all-you-can-eat restaurants, and night markets.


My approach to design


Through a brief, I work out the problem(s) I’m trying to solve and/or the goal(s) I’m trying to achieve.


Through a brief, I work out the problem(s) I’m trying to solve and/or the goal(s) I’m trying to achieve.


With some clarity, I look into how similar types of work are designed and identify industry standards and trends. I make a note of what works and what doesn’t for inspiration and reference.


With some clarity, I look into how similar types of work are designed and identify industry standards and trends. I make a note of what works and what doesn’t for inspiration and reference.


With a few basic ideas in mind, I start sketching. Then, I go through every sketch, pick out my favorites, and refine them. From those, I select the one I feel aligns mostly with the brief.


With a few basic ideas in mind, I start sketching. Then, I go through every sketch, pick out my favorites, and refine them. From those, I select the one I feel aligns mostly with the brief.


Working off of the best iteration, I create a high fidelity version using a design program. After fine-tuning it further, I thoughtfully incorporate color, type, and imagery.


Working off of the best iteration, I create a high fidelity version using a design program. After fine-tuning it further, I thoughtfully incorporate color, type, and imagery.


To see the design holistically, I step back and inspect every part to ensure it complements each other. I run some tests and check it works the way it’s supposed to.


To see the design holistically, I step back and inspect every part to ensure it complements each other. I run some tests and check it works the way it’s supposed to.


With the work almost complete, I perform one final run-through. When no other changes need to be made and everything is up to par, I prepare the file and deliver.


With the work almost complete, I perform one final run-through. When no other changes need to be made and everything is up to par, I prepare the file and deliver.


Brands I've worked with



Senior Graphic Designer

Led the design of a number of projects and platforms including marketing, events, emails, social media, presentations, and reports.



Senior Graphic Designer

Led the design of a number of projects and platforms including marketing, events, emails, social media, presentations, and reports.



Freelance Graphic Designer

Produced and updated a number of case studies, fact sheets, user guides, and white papers.



Freelance Graphic Designer

Produced and updated a number of case studies, fact sheets, user guides, and white papers.


Spartan Race UK

Freelance Graphic Designer

Worked closely with the marketing team to design print and web materials to promote races and create brand awareness, including posters, flyers, and ads.


Spartan Race UK

Freelance Graphic Designer

Worked closely with the marketing team to design print and web materials to promote races and create brand awareness, including posters, flyers, and ads.

2015, 2023

Raffingtons Bakery

Logo Designer

Designed, developed, and updated logo and brand identity.

2015, 2023

Raffingtons Bakery

Logo Designer

Designed, developed, and updated logo and brand identity.


Urban Justice Center

Freelance Graphic Designer

Worked closely with the managing director to design and produce invitations and signage for annual fundraising events.


Urban Justice Center

Freelance Graphic Designer

Worked closely with the managing director to design and produce invitations and signage for annual fundraising events.


Apps I use


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop



Constant Contact

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop



Constant Contact

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word


Adobe After Effects

Adobe XD







Get in touch

Interested in working together? Have questions or comments? Please fill out the form below, or click on the button on the right to email me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.

Interested in working together? Have questions or comments? Please fill out the form below, or click on the button to email me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.